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Articles Posted in Civil Litigation


AB 2016 — An Update to “Small Estate Petitions” (Prob. Code § 13100)

An Assembly bill applying to decedents’ estates was finalized on August 29, 2024. The bill will amend six sections of the Probate Code (Cal. Prob. Code § 13100-13101, 13150-13152, 13154) and repeal one section (Prob. Code § 13158). This is significant because it impacts how successors of decedents can manage…


What is a Trustee Removal Petition (Prob. Code, § 17200(b)(10))?

The purpose of this article is to explain what a trustee removal petition is. In a trust the trust is managed by the trustee, who is put in charge by the creator of the trust called the settlor. A trustee removal petition is made by a settlor, co-trustee, or beneficiary…


A Primer on Short Cause Trials (California Rule of Court 3.735)

The purpose of this article is to explain what a short cause trial is. A short cause case is a civil case where the parties or court estimate the trial will take five hours or less. Because of a short cause trial’s brevity, these types of cases can get priority…


A Guide to Statutory California Settlement Offers (Code of Civil Procedure Section 998)

California Code of Civil Procedure section 998 encourages parties involved in legal disputes to settle prior to trial. According to this law, either party can present a written settlement offer to the other party up to ten days before the trial begins. (CCP § 998(b).)  If the plaintiff declines a…


The 2024 Updates to the Civil Discovery Act (SB 235)

In almost all civil litigation in California, a major issue is the formal process of exchanging information and documents that address claims or defenses in dispute between the parties. In this system, discovery is “self-executing.” That means that no party to the lawsuit has any obligation to provide any information,…


A Primer on Depositing Money Into Court (CCP § 572-573)

Under certain special circumstances, money can be deposited with the court to safeguard during lawsuits under Code of Civil Procedure sections 572 and 573. The justification for such a rule is that, if the court doesn’t protect the money, the other party may spend it, rendering a plaintiff’s victory somewhat…


Service by Publication (CCP section 415.50)

Service of process is an important aspect of every lawsuit filed in California. If a defendant is not served and thus does not receive notice of a lawsuit, then any judgment entered against them is void, and the plaintiff will have to begin the litigation process all over again. While…


When Can a Sheriff Serve a Summons and Complaint (Gov. Code 26665)?

Under Government Code section 26665, a sheriff may serve “all writs, notices, or other legal process issued by superior courts in civil actions…” When someone decides they want to file a lawsuit, getting an experienced lawyer to draft the complaint is only half the battle. It still needs to be…

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