Articles Tagged with co-ownership

underwood-co-owner-take-rent-property-300x300Often, the question of distributing rent earned on a co-owned property arises in the context of cotenants. Cotenants have equal rights to possess their property with their fellow cotenants. This means that no one cotenant can exclude another from the property. One cotenant can, however, assign their right of possession to a third party. 

This can happen when a cotenant rents out part of the property to a tenant. In this situation, the other cotenants still have the right to possess the property, but they do not have a right to exclude the tenant. The tenant is also prohibited from excluding the other cotenants from occupying the property. 

How can a cotenant lease property they co-own?

underwood-jogani-v-jogani-joint-ownership-300x300Recently, a jury in the Los Angeles Superior Court awarded what may become one of the largest judgments in a real estate case that has ever been issued. Significantly, in addition to a damage award in the billions, the Court also found that the family members were also co-owners in 17,000 apartments across California. As a result, this consequential decision should be better understood for its potential implications for all co-ownership situations. 


This saga started in the late 1970s. The Jogani family, natives of Gujarat, India, built a fortune in the global diamond trade with offices in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and North America. 

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