Articles Tagged with color of title

underwood-law-color-of-title-300x300The purpose of this article is to explain the term “color of title.” This is an important concept in real property disputes because it means some has apparent title to property based on a written instrument, but that title is actually defective.

What is Required to Show Color of Title?

Color of title gives the appearance that someone holds title to a piece of property. (Thompson v. Dypvik (1985)174 Cal. App. 3d 329, 339.) The possessor of color of title has a written deed or instrument or judicial decree that seems to transfer good title. However, the transfer is somehow defective and is not actually effective in transferring title. (Packard v. Moss (1885) 68 Cal. 123, 126.) Just because a deed is void does not mean the possessor of color of title has no claim to the property. Instead, the color of title provides exactly that. It can allow someone to assert a right to property under a defective instrument as long as they can show they had a good faith belief the instrument was valid. For example, a deed that describes the land and purports to pass title between two people which is ultimately void or voidable, furnishes color of title on which the recipient of the deed can base a claim of adverse possession. (Id. at 130.)

Underwood-Blog-Images-1-300x300In California, a person can claim title to a piece of real property that they are not a titleholder to through adverse possession. Adverse possession requires a person to be in use of a particular piece of real property for the required statutory period. An adverse possessor, however, does not become the titleholder of a piece of property merely by using the property. Certain elements are required for a claimant to acquire title through adverse possession. The requirements for adverse possession are codified in the California Code of Civil Procedure section 323. 

Under section 325, subdivision (b), for an adverse possessor to gain title through adverse possession, the claimant must prove (1) possession under the claim of right or color of title; (2) actual, open, and notorious occupation of the premises which gives reasonable notice to the true owner; (3) possession which is adverse and hostile to the true owner; (4) continuous possession for at least five years; and (5) payment of all taxes assessed against the property during the five-year period. (CCP § 325(b).) At Underwood Law Firm, our attorneys are more than familiar with adverse possession and the elements required for gaining title through adverse possession. 

Possession Under the Claim of Right/Color of Title 

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