Articles Tagged with partition action fees

underwood-recover-value-time-services-300x300The purpose of this article is to explain whether a property owner can recover value of time or services in a partition action. Understanding whether an owner can recover the value of time or services is important because it directly affects the compensation they are entitled to recover in a partition action. 

What is a partition action?

A partition action is a court-ordered process that occurs when a property owner forces the sale of jointly owned real estate property. Partitions are designed to determine the final equitable sum of a property owner’s interest in real estate, allowing each co-worker to take their fair share of equity, before going their separate ways. Each owner is entitled to recover their fair share of the property’s value. This means each co-owner is guaranteed to receive their equal share of rents and profits from a property they co-own through an equal division process performed by the court. (Cal. Civ. Proc. Code § 872.510.)

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