Articles Tagged with trust manager removal

underwood-trustee-removal-petition-300x300The purpose of this article is to explain what a trustee removal petition is. In a trust the trust is managed by the trustee, who is put in charge by the creator of the trust called the settlor. A trustee removal petition is made by a settlor, co-trustee, or beneficiary of the trust with the goal of removing the trustee. (Prob. Code, § 17200, subd. (b)(10).) Usually, this petition is made by a beneficiary, meaning the person or persons intended to benefit from the trust. 

Why would removal of a trustee be necessary?

A trustee is a person or persons intended to manage a trust. The trustee is meant to protect the trust and ensure beneficiaries are informed and included in any disputes arising with or against the trust. (Johnson v. Curley (1927) 83 Cal. App. 627, 630; Alexander v. Title Ins. & Trust Co. (1941) 48 Cal. App. 2d 488, 493–494.) 

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