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Articles Posted in breach of fiduciary duty


What is a Fiduciary Duty? (Corp. Code § 16404)

A fiduciary duty is a special kind of professional relationship that forms between an individual or entity and their client. California recognizes many types of fiduciary relationships; each carrying its own duties and expectations. Understanding how fiduciary relationships function, under what circumstances they are established, and how they can be…


What happens when a co-owner refuses to pay their share of the mortgage? ((Wallace v. Daley (1990) 220 Cal.App.3d 1028.)

In California, cotenants are obligated to pay for their portion of common costs. A huge part of owning property jointly is “splitting the bill,” so to speak. From Property taxes to mortgage payments to utilities, the list goes on and on in terms of what all cotenants are responsible for.…

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